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The Fight Against Dutch Elm Disease in Alberta

As of this year, Dutch elm disease (DED) is officially active in Alberta. This aggressive fungal infection poses a serious threat to our beautiful elm trees, which are a vital part of our urban landscape. To help protect these trees and preserve our local ecosystem, it’s crucial that homeowners and municipalities take action now.

Why Pruning is Crucial

The most important thing we can do to prevent the spread of Dutch elm disease is timely and proper pruning. Elm trees must be pruned while they are dormant to prevent disease transmission. This dormant period spans from October to April, making it the ideal window for pruning.

During the warmer months, pruning creates open wounds on the tree, which can attract beetles that spread the fungus. However, when elm trees are dormant, the risk of infection through wounds is significantly lower. This is why pruning elm trees in the fall and winter is not just beneficial, but essential to stopping the spread of this disease.

What Happens if Pruning is Neglected?

Failure to prune elms in this crucial window could have devastating effects. If beetles carrying the fungus make contact with a wound on a tree, the infection spreads quickly. Infected trees will display wilting leaves, yellowing, and eventually die, requiring removal. If a single tree becomes infected, it can spread the disease to neighboring trees, escalating the problem further.

How JEMM Tree Services Can Help

At JEMM Tree Services, we specialize in the pruning and care of elm trees during this important time of the year. Our team of experts follows best practices to ensure that your trees remain healthy and free of Dutch elm disease. With professional tools and techniques, we safely and effectively prune your trees, protecting them from potential risks.

If you have elm trees on your property, don’t wait. The window to protect them is open now: schedule a consultation with JEMM Tree Services today to ensure your elms stay healthy and strong through the coming seasons.

Protect your trees, protect your landscape. Act now against Dutch elm disease.

For expert pruning services, contact JEMM Tree Services from October to April!